Session One – The Spirit of Wealth Building: Your Money Attractor Assessment:
- How this fun, yet powerful mental game instantly reveals your potential for success in anything you choose – you'll play this attitude-boosting game the rest of your life …
- What single word triggers this specific mental capacity to help you create the reality of your dreams …
- Want immunity from the endless cycle of recession, depression and financial struggle? Safeguard yourself with the power of this idea …
- You've heard of the Law of Attraction, now it's time to discover how this SECOND "secret" law differs - and what critical role it plays in your life regarding your wealth …
- What brain-dead simple trick reveals – in 10-seconds or less - how to know if you have beliefs supporting money attraction – or not …
- Revealed: The blending of these two powerful beliefs charges YOUR money magnet – attracting wealth like crazy …
- Why these seven key thoughts about money are important – including your wake-up call about this destructive force, and how it's actually pushing money away. Fix this and attract your heart's desire …
- Discover the secret of two powerful sources; one is filled with misperceptions about money keeping you from achieving your dreams – and the other is the source from which your abundance flows …
- Finally, take this Money Attractor Assessment; an eye-opening quiz to discover where you are in your beliefs about money – it's your blueprint to taking your success to the next level …
Session Two – How to Make Money in any Economic Climate:
- If you want YOUR circumstances to turn-around, attracting more money and success into your life – then you MUST awaken to this ancient truth …
- Making money in any economic climate – even a flat-out depression – is a snap once this shift takes place. Hint: YOU control it!
- What seven power principles help you shape a new empowering mindset, attracting money effortlessly and easily. TIP: Pay close attention to #6, I believe this is one of the greatest secrets, helping you see the world of opportunity around you …
- Spelled out: Your five-step Formula for Abundance in any Economic Climate – Or, how to best affect YOUR outer world …
- What exactly is it, to get "clear" and why is that an imperative if you want to attract wealth. Don't do this and you'll be forever stymied in your
attempts …
- Are you ready to take a journey into the fourth Dimension – and while you're there – get their gold …
- Gossip? Bad news? Tune out the negativity and watch your success soar; here are five incredibly simple ideas to free yourself …
- Can't wait? Want to speed up the process of attracting money – now?
- Unleash the power of this, which is the core secret of Karmic Marketing. Hint: It can be expressed in a single word … you must know this …
- How to identify the sure sign of a block in your life preventing money attraction – and what you can do now, to eliminate it for good …
- And finally … a powerfully simple (almost sneaky) technique to discover your life's mission!
Session Three – Nine Secrets to Attracting Money:
- Revealed: My nine secrets for attracting money formula – including a dead give-away you have some unresolved fears about scarcity holding you back – and how to VANQUISH them …
- Experience this remarkable cleansing process designed to reveal and remove layers of deep-seated wrong beliefs about money you've been quietly accumulating over the years …
- Are you afraid of failure? Success? NO - then PROVE IT – do this and prosper …
- How to expand your ability to receive money by tricking yourself into deserving more …
- Okay, just for fun … discover what spiritual truth is inscribed on Barnum's gravestone … and why it matters to YOU …
- Worried about a job you have (or don't)? Concerned over dire economic and political forecasts? Here's how to take your thinking to a higher plane and prosper despite these circumstances …
- Why your biggest opportunities to profit often appear in disguise; and what you should do now …
- Are you ready to think big – here are my three secrets to ending poverty – for good …
- What three success traits are shared by powerful millionaires, billionaires and other wealthy tycoons – and here's how you can call these moneymaking traits forth – into YOUR life …
- And finally … Why this simple phrase flips the switch inside you - empowering you to see the vast opportunities for success, wealth and abundance all around – don't miss this!
Session Four: Money Myths Revealed:
- Exposed: Seven myths about money – including the charge that it's too easy, a hoax – if you've bought into any of these (and you have), this module will be an incredibly liberating, money attracting, eye-opener …
- Also revealed: What is the common denominator at the root of these destructive self-limiting myths and how to take charge, moving beyond them to abundance …
- How this two-part dual awakening process transforms your programming about money by actually rewriting your past – yes you CAN do it …
- Seven "spiritual" strategies for magnetizing whatever you want and attracting it in your life – including a secret of attraction I've NEVER discussed publicly before …
- Why this fun technique for anchoring your achievements by casting a vote for prosperity and abundance should never be overlooked, it's that
important …
- Never again fear losing a job, or any other unforeseen challenge – and how this may actually open doors for you previously shut tight …
- And finally … you've got to hear the Squirrel Story, it's a fun tale packed with a valuable message about overcoming seemingly bad circumstances … one of my favorites …
Session Five: Shortcuts to Attracting Whatever You Want:
- The single biggest shortcut secret to abundance and what it's got to do with chasing monkeys down the street (yes, monkeys) …
- Get ready to awaken to this truth about the past, and future – and discover where YOUR point of power lies …
- Feeling blue? Want to get happy NOW? Use this simple trick …
- How to knock the edge off any stress you're experiencing in just a few moments using this simple breathing technique to relax and invigorate … works like magic …
- What's the amazing "tapping" cure to smash fears and worry – once you try it, you'll do it forever …
- Four power phrases to help deal with the unawakened, unenlightened, unempowered skeptics in your life (you know, your family and friends – Kidding!) – these phrases have healed the criminally insane and now they're available to you …
- And finally, disc five ends with a soothing, meditative healing experience where I chant the four magic phrases to unleash its therapeutic healing in YOUR life … you won't find THIS anywhere else …
Session Six – The Money Mastery Seminar; Seven Wealth-Building Innovations:
- If you want to shorten your learning curve, begin by reading the books - and diving into the audio programs I personally recommend … I've got a BIG list for you …
- Marketing REDEFINED: Why this enlightened definition of marketing is like nothing you've heard before, it'll change your perspective …
- Easy time management secrets with a spiritual dimension, including the secret of writing out TWO to-do lists to accomplish your highest goals – and the difference between the two …
- Now that you have your to-do list, what do you do first? You're not expecting conventional wisdom are you …
- Five-step process for my Million Dollar Secret Formula; REVEALED – you asked for it … you got it …
- Secrets of selling an INVISIBLE product, including what questions to ask to generate the moneymaking idea and even an entertaining case study detailing product creation all the way to launch …
- Plus, how to obtain your own moneymaking product for free – you don't create it – why, you don't even write the ad! Listen, as I reveal exactly how I did it – and how you can too …
- Got a website? Here's three practical secrets for generating traffic that really work – including one bonus secret I use all the time …
- Stuck for a moneymaking product idea? Experience this Business Purpose exercise and in a few quick minutes come away with a valuable product idea completely original to you …
- And finally … I'll share the motto I live by to help YOU make a difference … and …
- So very much more!
But the fun is only just beginning!
This product description doesn't begin to scratch the surface of all the astonishing money attracting insights you'll gain by listening and experiencing each session rich with practical and spiritual truth.
And that's not all – I believe in over-delivering, in giving – heck, it's even one of my secrets of making money, and so I can't stop there with just these six CDs. That's why I'm also including these awesome bonuses to fast-track you to your wealthy place!
Feast your eyes:
Bonus Disc One – The Ten Most Important Business Lessons I've Learned:
These important lessons help me explain the Secret of Attracting Money; how it works – and what you must do to begin attracting more – now!
- What is this subtle, yet oh so powerful tool for breaking out of your cultural trance, that's preventing you from receiving your reward – to – these simple acts of kindness you can do, causing ripples in the universe leading right back to you, carrying even more abundance …
- The transformational power of appreciating the moment – and how to turn failure on its ear, changing it into an opportunity to prosper …
- What amazing thing happens when you speak your truth and face your fears – and the secret to beginning your awakening process. Hint: Take charge of your enlightenment …
- Why you should realize you have more power than you ever dreamed to create the life you desire … and how to live in moment-by-moment wonderment …
- All this, and so much more!
Bonus Disc Two - From Homeless to Millionaire! An Interview with Dr. Joe Vitale:
I sat down for an interview with Peter Wink, formerly my V.P. of Marketing for Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. for a quick, fun session where he asked questions about the Secret of Attracting Money audio program.
Peter left no stone unturned – probing me for how I raised myself up from homelessness to the heights of achievement I enjoy today. We held nothing back.
This interview is almost a mastermind session in of itself!
Listening to this jam-packed session will bring to mind many of the ideas, insights and concepts covered in the program. Think of it as a helpful memory jog, enabling you to easily internalize this mind expanding, moneymaking course.
Bonus Disc (DVD) Three – The Secret to Attracting Money LIVE on DVD:
How to have, do or be anything you want in life.
This powerful expanded teaching on the four phases of your awakening process was recorded LIVE in San Diego at one of my intensely personal and powerful Miracles Weekend gatherings.
Designed to lead you to the door of YOUR awakening …
- Revealed are the secrets to removing all your worries – leaving all struggles behind … and how to move through three of the four phases of your awakening process; including what it takes to experience the fourth and highest phase …
- Also revealed: What is life's grand illusion – and how we're deceiving ourselves … be prepared, this one gets deep …
- And finally, stick around for the bonus footage after the credits roll and I'll tip the single favorite question of your mind and how it can charge you with creative money attracting energy!
I'm excited about releasing this video, and I'm confident you'll be enriched and blessed by all I share – see you on the inside!
Oh by the way, before I forget, I've got one more SURPRISE bonus tucked up my sleeve I'll tell you all about later.
Let's recap: You get six spiritually charged moneymaking CDs, including …
- The Spirit of Wealth Building: Your Money Attractor Assessment
- How to Make Money in any Economic Climate
- Nine Secrets to Attracting Money
- Money Myths Revealed
- Shortcuts to Attracting Whatever You Want
- The Money Mastery Seminar; Seven Wealth-Building Innovations
Plus these great bonuses, helping you to FAST TRACK your
success …
- The Ten Most Important Business Lessons I've Learned
- From Homeless to Millionaire! An Interview with Dr. Joe Vitale
- The Secret to Attracting Money LIVE on DVD
You get all this, the Secret to Attracting Money on six audio CDs, plus the Bonus Gifts consisting of two audio CDs, and one LIVE DVD presentation along with a Surprise Bonus, as yet unrevealed, for the low, low price of only: $119.95! (Plus a nominal S/H charge) – Shipped, straight to your door!
For less than a night on the town you can possess the secrets of owning an empire!
I won't even ask you to make your final decision now – test-drive The Secret of Attracting Money for 60-days – THEN decide!
That's right, take a full 60-days to decide if it's right for you. Actually USE it, go ahead, I won't mind – see for yourself that these ancient and modern secrets really work – attracting more money than ever before.
Then and ONLY then, make your final decision. You must be absolutely convinced The Secret to Attracting Money will repay you many times over – because if you're not 100% delighted with the program, simply return it within 60-days for a full and complete refund. That's my solemn guarantee to YOU!
As I said, I won't ask you to make a decision about keeping these CDs today – but I will ask for a commitment. The way I see it, you have two diverging paths before you.
You can choose to ACT on this opportunity, and if you've been listening to my teachings, read my books or seen me on TV, you'll know that I believe the universe likes speed. Money likes speed – so if this course is resonating with you in any way, if you're feeling that inspired nudge to go for it, that'd be my recommendation now.
When you choose the first path, acting on your instinct to come along with me on this journey to your awakening and prosperity you'll begin seeing changes in your life almost immediately – you could, for example …
- Land the job or career of your dreams …
- Find the money to purchase that new car, truck or RV you've been eyeballing …
- Start your OWN business and kiss your job worries goodbye …
- Magnetically attract more money than you could ever hope to spend …
- Support your favorite causes and charities …
- Complete your education … or finance your kid's …
- In short, you really could have, do or be anything you can dream – and so much more!
Or you could go it alone …
Remember, hope is NOT a strategy. If you choose this path, which I DON'T recommend, you might remain stuck where you are financially. You won't experience the miracles that come with stepping out on faith – and frankly, your future might very well become simply an extension of your present circumstances …
I believe there's not really much of a choice to make. Come along with me, you're 100% protected with my 60-day guarantee – use the ORDER button to cast your vote for miracles. Click the order button and complete the form to begin YOUR journey toward prosperity and start attracting money now!
Your success is on the way!

Dr. Joe Vitale
PS: I did promise one more SURPRISE BONUS – and this is it: In addition to the bonus interview, the Ten Most Important Lessons I've Learned about Business, and the Secret to Attracting Money LIVE on DVD – you ALSO GET this B-I-G 55-page Workbook for the program on CD ROM. In it you'll be delighted to discover that virtually every secret revealed in my program is highlighted – and it's FULLY INTERACTIVE!
The Money Attractor Assessment quiz is ready for you to add your responses – and each session is outlined with exercises for you to complete so that you get a firm grasp on this material. It's your short-cut to successfully using the Secret to Attracting Money – and you can have it all when you [CLICK HERE] to order now!
PPS: I can appreciate you might be a little skeptical. After all, if you're not attracting wealth on the level I believe possible, then you may not be able to see your very real potential for living an abundant happy life, free of money worries.
Therefore, you've got to ask yourself: What if Joe's right?
What if you really could have, do or be anything your heart desires? What if, as I've maintained, that you could attract money effortlessly and easily and in amounts beyond all comprehension? Well, I believe you can. So why don't you [CLICK HERE] to order now, review my program, including all six audio CDs, the two bonus CDs and DVD – PLUS – the Interactive Workbook on CD ROM (all for just $119.95), for 60-days, and if you're not thrilled, return it for a complete, no questions asked refund. Do it now, money likes speed!